之前在網路上無意找到的,幫助使用者建立nodejs的商業環境, 將一些nodejs npm模組和strongloop本身開發的集成的工具。
- Express – a web application framework
- Connect – a rich middleware framework
- Passport – a simple, unobtrusive authentication
- Mongoose – an mongodb object modeling library
- Async – higher-order functions and common patterns for asynchronous code
- Q – a tool for making and composing asynchronous promises in JavaScript
- Request – a simplified HTTP request client
- Socket.IO – cross-browser WebSocket for realtime apps
- Engine.IO – transport layer for real time data exchange
- SL Task Emitter– perform an unknown number of async tasks recursively
- SL Config Loader – recursively load config files
- SL Module Loader – separate your app into modules loaded by config files
- SL MQ – MQ API with cluster integration, implemented over various message queues