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Explore-Exploit Trade-off

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We call experimentation exploration and we call profit-maximization exploitation 在 Bandit.Algorithms.for.Website.Optimization 書中看到關於 Explore-Exploit trade-off 的定義,簡單來說在解決問題的成本和獲得的利潤上取得平衡,書中開頭的案例:為網站更換 LOGO, 傳統的做法是使用 AB TEST但是花大量的時間,所以從這邊我可以慢慢猜得出來如何跟 Bandit Algorithms 有關。

另外記錄一篇跟Explore-Exploit trade-off相關的有趣論文:Web-Scale Bayesian Click-Through Rate Prediction for Sponsored Search Advertising in Microsoft’s Bing Search Engine

另外有幾篇關於A/B Testing 和 Bandit.Algorithms的比較的文章可以作為參考。

  1. Why Multi-armed Bandit Algorithm is Not “Better” than A/B Testing
  2. 20 lines of code that will beat A/B testing every time
  3. Why Multi-armed Bandit algorithms are superior to A/B testing
